The finest
in the World
Now offering a limited selection of Exceptional Fish Reproductions for the Most Discerning Taxidermists and Artists

Perfection is our goal.  We’ve shared pre-release product with World Champions in the Fish Industry — whom unanimously believe we offer the finest product available. Reviews from the World Taxidermy Competition were exciting as well. We hope you’ll give us a try!

Our limited initial offering includes Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass, Brook, Brown, Lake and Rainbow Trout, Black Crappie, Catfish, Walleyes and more. While only a handful of options at this time, we felt it was time to make them available to the marketplace.

We are also pleased to offer several species with limited availability in the market.  A Common Carp starts our rough fish collection for both hook-and-line fishing and bow fishing enthusiasts.  We look to be adding Buffalo Carp, Gator, Long-nose and Short-nose Gar and others.  For your displays… Lobster, Crayfish and More Soon.

You can expect the highest level of service from us. We will treat you, your business, and through-you your customers with appreciation, honesty and respect. We 100% stand behind our product, we look forward to working with you — and would very much appreciate your business.
Thank you for considering us!